[VICE] This Beluga Whale Has Been Held In A Conglomerate’s Aquarium For Years

VICE 라는 국제 언론에 핫핑크돌핀스의 롯데월드 아쿠아리움 벨루가 방류 촉구 행동 기사가 떴습니다. 한국의 롯데 재벌이 운영하는 수족관에 수년간 갇혀 있는 벨루가 벨라는 이미 자유를 되찾았어야 한다는 내용입니다. 시간이 별로 없으니 하루라도 빨리 롯데는 약속을 지켜 벨라를 방류해야 한다고 기사는 적고 있습니다.

* 기사 전체 읽기 https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/m7ez8a/bella-beluga-whale-south-korea

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[VICE] This Beluga Whale Has Been Held In A Conglomerate’s Aquarium For Years!
Bella the beluga was supposed to be freed. Activists say time is running out.

Animal rights activists in South Korea are rallying to revive public interest in a beluga whale still being held in a conglomerate’s aquarium, despite promises made in 2019 that it would be released back into the wild.

Activists from the Seoul-based animal rights group Hot Pink Dolphins condemned Lotte’s inaction and called on the group to fulfill their promise to the public. They have also cast doubt on the promises to release Bella, and have been staging public protests outside the aquarium.

“We urge the Lotte World Aquarium to release Bella back into nature without further delay as promised in 2019,” said activist Joyakgol, the group’s co-founder who goes by one name. He added that it’s especially hard for Bella to be trapped in the same aquarium where she witnessed the death of two of her friends.

The activist believes that the issue is not only applicable to Bella, but to all cetaceans in captivity, including other types of whales and dolphins kept in aquariums. “Basically, cetaceans are not suitable for aquarium breeding because they are social animals that have to live in complex social networks,” he said. “Their natural habitat can’t be artificially built since they move extensively in nature.”

He added: “Lotte must keep their promise before driving the last remaining beluga whale to death.”

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